About Malta & Gozo
More than just sun and beaches.
121 square miles (316 squared km)
Population of just over 516,000
8th most densely populated country in the world, 4th in Europe
Maltese and English are official languages
Uses the Euro
230 volts, 50Hz electric, using UK 3-pin plug
An average daytime temperature of 23 C and a low of 12 C, with an average of 8.4 hours of sunlight per day
Approximately 1.6 million tourists visit annually
Over 90% of population is Roman Catholic and over 365 churches
Capital city of Valletta
A number of banks, including HSBC, Bank of Valletta and APS banks
Driving is on the Left
Telephone country code of +356
Ample mobile and internet coverage
Regular and fast ferry between Malta and Gozo
Popular filming location for big budget productions (Gladiator, U571, Game of Thrones, World War Z)
Malta is home to 10 UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Malta's Megalithic temples are older than Stonehenge
About Malta and Gozo
With a population of only 516,000, the Republic of Malta is one of the smallest members of the European Union, but one of the most popular vacation locations by Europeans since English is one of the official languages and also a member of the eurozone monetary union.
This archipelago island country, which is located just 50 miles south of Sicily, boasts some of the Mediterranean's most beautiful beaches, dive sites and some of the oldest free-standing megalithic temples in the world. With our Mediterranean climate of mild winters and hot summers, Malta makes a popular destination for retirees.
From a retirees perspective, Malta enjoys a low tax and VAT rate, no property tax and an advanced economy with all the amenities related, such as access to top quality products and services at reasonable cost. Healthcare is publicly funded and private healthcare is also available. Investing in local property is also a plus, as the local value of real estate rises steadily. Malta boasts year round activities, from the local village Festas in the summer, to assorted Christmas and Easter activities in the winter months. Restaurants and bars abound.
From a business perspective, Malta is considered as a highly attractive jurisdiction by foreign investors who wish to relocate a business to the island. Such advantages include geographical location, tax benefits and double taxation treaties, investment immigration opportunities, strong workforce, fiscal and social benefits, low incorporation costs, distinctive lifestyle and a stable economic ecosystem.